Norway's highest producing herd is Aanestad Holsteins

The Norwegian GenHotel member Aanestad Holsteins is milking more than 60 cows with an automatic milking system. The Aanestad family is managing this very well, because their herd was the best producing herd in Norway in the year 2021!
To improve the genetic level of the herd Aanestad has invested in several international cow families in the past 20 years. Ole Morten is milking offspring of Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret RDC VG-87, Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93 and from the Neblina branch of the Tui Onyx Nick VG-86 family.
Aanestad Holsteins is not only genetically a top quality herd, it is also generating huge milk production! In the year 2021, the herd produced no less than 14,132 kgs of ECM* (energy-corrected milk) in 305 days, or 14,107 kgs of milk with 3.93% fat and 3.40% protein. This gives the Aanestad herd a large lead over the number 2 of Norway with 11,930 kgs ECM.
One of the highest producing 2-year-olds at the moment is a Progenesis Outlast from the Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93 family: Aanestad Outlast Cosima. She will produce a stunning 16,317 kgsM with 4.56% fat and 3.19% protein in 305 days!
Tirsvad Supersire Cooke VG-87 (s. Supersire), granddam of Cosima.
* Energy-corrected milk (ECM) determines the amount of energy in the milk, based upon the milk, fat and protein included and is adjusted to 3.5% fat and 3.2% protein.