New GenHotel member: Southland Holsteins

Jeroen & Debbie Van Beek, owners of Southland Holsteins
Southland Holsteins has been a well-known name in the international Holstein breeding for decades. The Van Beek family, in Teteringen, West Brabant, initially attracted the interest of AI-studs with offspring from their home-bred Southland Diena family. Then in the nineties the Southland Belle / Dellia family was added, from which many bulls went to AI organizations at home and abroad. Other prominent Southland cow families, mostly brought in by purchasing interesting heifers from great cow families, include the Sharons, Carolas, Ginas and Massias.
Southland Holsteins, now managed by Jeroen and Debbie Van Beek, also competes with the national top in the show ring. Southland Belle-Red EX-90 (by Lightning) was already Reserve Junior Champion Red in 2004, while Southland Goldwyn Sharon 2 EX-91 was Reserve Junior Champion in 2008. From recent years are the successes at the HHH Show of Southland Dempsey Dellia 92 EX-92: Junior Champion in 2017 and Reserve Intermediate Champion in 2018. During the NRM in 2017 Southland Windbrook Gina EX-92 achieved an 1A position and in the final became HM Intermediate.
And even internationally Southland is able to compete at the highest level, rewarded with the fantastic success of Southland Alex Carola 11 EX-90, the Reserve Junior Champion at the European Championship in Friborg 2013.
Look for these and more interesting cow families on the Southland Holsteins GenHotel page.
Southland Dempsey Dellia 92 EX-92, Junior Champion HHH Show 2017
Southland Goldwyn Sharon 2 EX-91, Reserve Junior Champion NRM 2008
Southland Kingboy Carola VG-89 (VG-89 MS), maximum score as 3-yr-old!