New GenHotel member: Rhala Holsteins

Rhala Excellent Flower
We would like to introduce you another new GenHotel member: ‘’Rhala Holsteins’’ owned by the Van der Steege family in Aldjerk, The Netherlands. Next to Rhala Holsteins we also like to introduce the breeding companies ‘’Excellent’’ (owned by Reinier van der Steege) and ‘’Reer Genetics’’ (owned by Reinier van der Steege & Erik Apperlo) to you.
The ‘’Rhala’’ prefix you probably know from the Daydreams, a great cowfamily that goes back to Markwell Durham Daisy. They have brought great individuals with super type and production and also some high-selling females and top (proven) bulls. At the moment the high indexed All-Star daughter Rhala Daydream 40 is being flushed. For more info on the great results of the Daydream family take a look at the 'Proud to have bred' page at Rhala & Excellent.
Investments in new cowfamilies were made through the Excellent programm. The goal is to produce better cows for the Rhala herd. A nice example is Rhala Excellent Flower (s. Balisto). She is now in 2nd lactation, one of the highest production cows in the herd and still one of the highest index cows in Holland! You can now buy Wilder Hong embryos from her at the GenHotel Embryosale.
Another great partnership is Reer Genetics, a partnership between Reinier vd Steege (Excellent) and his friend Erik Apperlo (veterinarian). The first investment was Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red. That turned out to be a great investment! Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red already has 5 sons in AI and several heifers are sold to breeders in Spain, Germany and Austria. There are still some pregs coming and her first daughters are ready to flush: Rhala RE Samba Red P is one of the highest flush age Red Polled heifers in Europe on GTPI! Reer Genetics also invested in Rhala EX Lynetta, the former #1 outcross heifer in Europa. Her first progeny was born recently.
The goal to get great proven cowfamilies in the herd has resulted in a much better herd and also a financially profitable breeding programm!
Click for more info on the top females on the link to the site of Rhala & Excellent!
Rhala Excellent Flower, still very high indexed out of the Bouw Goldwyn Femmy EX-90 cowfamily
Carf Emeraude, a very nice Solomon out of this cowfamily at Rhala & Excellent
Rhala Man-O-Man Daydream 5 VG-88, a great breeding cow for Rhala
Batouwe Salsa Aiko as a heifer, 5 sons in AI and the dam of Rhala RE Samba Red P.
Ven Dairy Lidia 4, broodcow behind Rhala EX Lynetta