New genetic defect found

In Germany VIT and DHV have found a new genetic defect. It has a big impact on the Holstein Breed (and even more on R&W Holsteins). Homozygous calves are born normally, but will die within 6 months. They cannot digest fat into the blood and will not grow and eventually die.
The defect traces back to Mauglin Storm. Also heavily used bulls like Goldwyn, Mr. Burns, Talent and September Storm are positive on the Haplotype test (HH6). A Gentest will be developed as soon as possible to find the actual mutation.
A list of positive bulls will be publiced soon. We will put it on GenHotel too.
If you want more information, please contact Martijn van der Boom (0031-624217748).
You can also find more info in the pdf (on the right, one in German language and one in English)