New bull proofs Germany

December 2020 bull proofs!
The German calculation center VIT has today published the December 2020 bull proofs. The calculation model has not changed this time, compared to the previous run. Partly because of this, most bulls are able to maintain their breeding values well.
Proven sires
The top 10 RZG active black & white proven bulls are almost unchanged this run: 3 bulls are new in the top 10, namely Veenhuizer K&L JT Jameson (Jetset x Balisto, bred by bGenHotel & Veenhuizer Holsteins), Calvo (Commander x Epic) and Supercup (Shep x Balisto), respectively in place 5, 6 and 7. Alamo (AltaSpring x Fanatic), bred by Riethil Holsteins, is now at place 14 with 148 RZG. Visstein Sandoz, a Sargeant x Hunter from the Remarlinda family and bred by Visstein Holsteins & GenHotel, also maintained his proofs and is once again in the top 20 in Germany with 147 RZG (+1).
The top 10 of the red-and-white daughterproven bulls is also virtually unchanged. However, the new leader is Swissbec Power-Red (Durango x Mogul), who goes from place 5 to 1 due to a 2 points RZG increase. Schreur Apoll P Red is in second place for the 6th time in a row and also Drouner Effektiv-Red, who made a great debut last run, manages to maintain himself in the top 5. Wilder Laser PP Red, bred by Wilder Holsteins, is still the highest homozygous polled red-and-white proven bull, but now together with the debuting KNS Abi PP Red. The Apoll x Balisto, bred by KNS Holsteins, scores 138 RZG with his first 81 milking daughters, which puts him in a creditable 12th place.
Young sires
The top 3 of the black & white young bulls is also almost unchanged: Gladius, Star P RDC and Best Benz. Factory (Hothand x Guarantee) makes his debut in 4th place, which comes from a half-sister of Broeks Freemax. K&L Sputnik RDC rises from 162 to 164 gRZG and is again in the top 10. Koepon RUW Linux (out of Koepon Amulet Regenia 245) maintains his breeding value well (at 161 gRZG) and is the only Lightstar son in the top 20 black and white young bulls.
In the red-and-white young bulls Grando Red had to give up the lead to Sponsor P Red, one of the 6 Caudumer Solitair P Red sons in the top 10, of which 5 are polled. KNS Simply-Red, a Solitair son with 133 gRZN, 130 gRZS, 120 gRZGesundheit and 162 gRZG, comes from the D-family of KNS Holsteins. Gywer RDC is represented with 3 sons in the top 10, including Sanderij Ginger-Red (MGS. Salvatore RDC), bred by De Sanderij, who now scores 161 gRZG. Visstein K&L Money P Red, from the Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude RDC EX-95 family, is the highest red-and-white Match P son with 159 gRZG, with a nice all-round profile. His half-brother Ghost-Red (v. Gywer RDC) is also in the top with 157 gRZG. K&L OH Gigolo-Red, a Gywer RDC from the successful Wilder Kanu family, scores 157 gRZG with 131 gRZN and 124 FUN & 125 EUT.
Click HERE for all new December proofs.
Visstein Sandoz (Sargeant x Hunter), top 20 RZG daughterproven sires
Visstein K&L Gigolo-Red (Gywer RDC x Salvatore RDC), from the renown Wilder Kanu RDC family