New at GenHotel: PR Holsteins

PR Beauty Vera 2
New at GenHotel is PR Holsteins owned by Piet van Rees from Bergambacht, the Netherlands. The prefix – PR – of Piet van Rees was recently in the news through PR Beauty Vera 2. This Mogul daughter was sold to Schep Holsteins this winter and at the NRM she made is to the finals after she finished 2nd in the first class with Junior 2-Yr Olds. The dam to Vera 2 is a Jives daughter out of PR Julia VG-88 (Mac x Glenn-Ann Shottle Pepper EX-90). PR Julia is a full sister to Excellence Mac Melissa VG-87, the dam to the proven bull Picanto (s. Snowman) in Germany.
At the site of PR Holsteins you will find offspring from several famous cowfamilies. What to think of PR Shauny, a +2655 GTPI Modesty daughter backed by the Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92 family. The dam to Shauny is a McCutchen daughter out of an Man O Man daughter of Ammon-Peachey Shauna EX-91, dam to bulls such as Supersire, Headliner, Sargeant and Platinum.
Great type has to come from PR Darla. This Mogul daughter is a great-granddaughter of HBC Daydream VG-89, the famous Shottle daughter out of the Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 family. The dam to Darla is Future Dream H. Darina EX-90, a Snowman daughter of HBC Goldwyn Daydream EX-91. Darina was participant at the All-European Championship in Colmar and Daydream is the Reserve Junior Champion from the NRM 2012. Perhaps Darla the next great showcow from this very successful family…
PR Darla