New at GenHotel: BWN Holsteins

BWN Danni, half-sister to Bouw Finder
New at GenHotel is BWN Holsteins owned by Bas Nagel, Nieuwerbrug. At the site to BWN Holsteins you will find offspring from the Danisch Tirsvad Luke Classic family, Hol-Stiens Jazzstar and Bouw Goldwyn Femmy. BWN Holsteins is also owner of several descendents from the well-known Dukefarm Malina family.
BWN Danni
One of the most interesting heifers that is due this year is BWN Danni. She is a +142 GRZG / +254 GNVI Danno daughter out of Bouw Epic Finola, an Epic daughter of Bouw Goldwyn Femmy. Danni is a half-sister to Bouw Finder (Balisto; CRV), the current #1 GNVI bull in the Netherlands, and a full sister to Bouw Final (CRV) and BWN Danno Chief (Masterrind).
Danni has allround figures and is a very fancy looking heifers as you can see on her picture. She has pregnancies by Apina Nugget and De-Su Battlecry and is pregnant to Baltikum.
Bouw Epic Finola, the dam to Danni has several high sons in AI
Tirsvad Luke Classic
Another interesting heifer is K&L JS Carice, a +144 GRZG / +2440 GTPI / +230 GNVI Jetset daughter that is owned together with K&L. Carice shows similar breeding values on German, US and Dutch basis with a lot of milk, high longevity, good udder health and very high fertility.
The dam to Carice is a Bookem daughter out of the famous Man O Man daughter Anderstrup MOM Carina VG-89. Her pedigree goes through an EX-92 Didrik, a VG-86 Bojer and a VG-85 Apollo back at Tirsvad Fatal Claudia, an EX-90 Fatal daughter of broodcow Tirsvad Luke Classic EX-90. Carice has preganancies by Partyrock Profit, Sandy-Valley Afterburner, Board and Jedi and is pregnant to Willsbro Abbott.
Anderstrup MOM Carine VG-89, granddam to Carice
Dukefarm Malina
The heifers/cows from the Dukefarm Malina family, that goes all the way back at the American Ned Boy daughter Pond-Oak Ned Boy Margot EX-95, are in partnership with Willem Booij, Streefkerk (MS Holsteins). One of the most promising 2-yr olds from this family is MS-BWN Snowwien, who is classified GP-84 just fresh. She still scores +221 GNVI and is a half-sister to the bull MS-BWN Maikson (Maik) at KI Kampen. Her dam is a VG-86 Wonder daughter out of a VG-86 Jeeves of Dukefarm O Man Malina VG-86 (O Man x VG-89 Durham x EX-93 Ambrose x Pond-Oak Ned Boy Margot EX-95). Snowwien has a +279 Mandela daughter.
MS-BWN Galaxina is a Galaxy half-sister to Snowwien. She is just fresh and already classified VG-86. She has 4 heifercalves by Fun P, with 3 of them also Polled, that are waiting for their genomic results to come back.
MS Malina 12 VG-86, the Wonder dam to Snowwien and Galaxina