New at GenHotel: Bosma

New at GenHotel is Handel & Dienstverlening M. Bosma. At the site from Maikel Bosma you will find several interesting R&W heifers backed by famous cowfamilies such as the Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude, Glen Drummond Splendor, HMS Arabella, Lavander Ruby Redrose and Caudumer Lol family.
From the Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude EX-95 family hails Rockafarm Alfa-Red. This +148 GRZG Effort goes through a VG-85 Numero Uno daughter back at KHW Goldwyn Aiko, the EX-91 classified Goldwyn daughter of Altitude. Bulls such as Perfect Aiko, Fraiko RC, Applejax and many others hail from this family aswell…
ARGH Akyol Silky Red is a +144 GRZG Akyol daughter. Her dam is a fancy Debutant daughter of Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina RDC VG-86, a full sister to the proven bull Dymentholm S Sympatico. Next dam is Des-Y Gen Planet Silk, a very popular EX-90 classified Planet daughter whose pedigree goes back at Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86. Besides Sympatico this family also shows up behind bulls such as Secure, Mr Savage and Laron P.
Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90, great-granddam to Silky Red
Brekan daughter COL DG Allesa Red is backed by the HMS Arabella family. Her dam is an Aikman daughter out of an Falster of HMS Arabella, a very successful EX-90 classified Tableau daughter. Allesa Red scores +145 GRZG with +131 RZE (type).
HMS Arabella EX-90, great-granddam to Allesa Red
At Handel & Dienstverlening M. Bosma you will also find several polled heifers. Backed by a very special cowfamily is WR Marcy P Red. The pedigree from this Polled and Red Citation P daughter goes back at none other than Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96, the Grand Champion from the World Dairy Expo 2005 & 2007. The dam to Marcy P Red is a VG-87 Destry daughter of Starmark-I Advent Red Rose EX-90 (Advent x VG-88 September Storm x Redrose), the Grand Champion Young from the German Holstein Show 2011.
Also Polled and Red are Caudumer Lol 364 P Red and Lis K&L Label Lol PP Red, both granddaughters of Caudumer Lol 292-Red P VG-87. Lol 364 is a +139 GRZG / +170 GNVI Effort daughter out of a VG-85 Applejax of Lol 292. Herdmate Lol PP Red (Label P) is homozygote Polled, scores +128 GRZG and her dam is a VG-85 Alchemy daughter of Lol 292.
Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96, 4th dam to Marcy P Red