Julia 382 passed away

Julia 388
Julia 382, the famous Stadel daughter of Jacob Werler passed away recently. A injury from her feet was lethal. Julia 382 is one of the most succesfull red cows ever!
3 great sons in AI
Julia 382 has performed extremely well on all fields. Julia 382 has 3 son in AI (Lowlands Bolero, Lowlands Juwel P and Red Cliff, all by Lawn Boy.) But all 3 have very good proven indexes! Lowlands Bolero is the No. 1 proven bull and Red Cliff is No. 5! Recently KI Kmapne showd a great progeny group of Red Cliff.
All daughter classified VG or higher!
Julia 382 is a great broodcow. All her daughter score VG and the average of her 7 daughters is 86.3 points! geweldig. In the herd of Werler there is now 10 milking members of the Julia family, they also have a average of over 86 points for type.
Succesfull daughters
Julia 382 her two most important daughters are Julia 383 VG-89 and Julia 388 VG-88. Julia 383 is the dam of Jotani at KI-Kampen and Julia 388 is the dam of the top genomic bull Janko P at RUW. Another daughter of Julia 382 is Julia 389 VG-86 (by Moonlight). She is the dam of Julandy, also at RUW.
Showcarreer and EX-92
Julia 382 was also very succefull at show. She was 3 times Champion on the big R&W show in Apeldoorn and got into the finals on big (National) Shows several times! Julia 382 was also nominated for Red Impact Cow by Holstein International! Furthermore Julia 382 was classified EX-92 and alsmost produced over 100.000kgM. Her lifetime production : 3.555d 99.574kgM 4.13%F 4.113kgF 3.65%P 3.632kgP
Julia 382 is a unique cow and the story of this family has just begun!
Julia 388 P Red, Julia 382 her Lawn Boy daughter.