Jersey from a big show family

Lot 48
Friday, January 8th the Highlight Sale will take place. Here you'll find the opportunity to start your own Jersey family with big show potential!
From the cow family of no one less than Jiff Little Minnie EX-96 - Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair & two times All Canadian Jersey Mature Cow - this very fancy heifer will sell. Visstein 3STAR JM Molly is a Gumo Jamie daughter out of ARGH Miss Tequila VG-85. This cow family transmits great longevity, high milkproduction and fabulous type.
The amazing genes are also dispersed by AI bulls Select-Scott Minister and Select-Scott Jade Jamal, which are descending from Jiff Little Minnie EX-96 too. The fancy full sister of JM Molly, Visstein 3STAR JM Mouse, was sold during the recently held VOST Select Sale.
Lot 48. VISSTEIN 3STAR JM MOLLY [Jamie x VG-85 Tequila x VG-87 Sultan]
(Registration in advance is necessary)
ARGH Miss Tequila VG-85, dam lot 48
Visstein 3STAR JM Mouse, full sister lot 48
BJ Remake Maggie EX-95, great-granddam lot 48