General News

Introducing Krista Reijlink

GenHotel has expanded its team in November with the arrival of Krista Reijlink. With a strong acceleration in growth of the marketshare and a higher turnover there are more possibilities for the future of Genhotel. Therefor there is need for extra manpower! 

Krista retourned back to The Netherlands after one year of living and working in Germany. She gain some experience by working at the German herdbook ''Verein Ostfriesische Stammzüchter'', and helping at her families dairyfarm. Last summer she managed to get her bachelor's degree at the Aeres University of Applied Science, after getting her degree she would like to take a new way back in The Netherlands. Krista's interests lies with the Holstein breed. In her spare time she helps at her families farm, and likes to participate with cows and heifers in shows.

Her responsibilities will lie with the GenHotel website and marketing communications. Krista's tasks will extend over time. 


General News