HWH Holsteins and GenHotel strike at OHG Top Genetik Auktion

Royal (s. Kerrigan) dam of Rihanna
At last Saturdays Top Genetik Auktion from OHG in Germany, Rihanna sold as lotnumber 7, really stood out for Heinrich Weckesser (HWH Holsteins) and GenHotel. By making the last bid they managed to secure Rihanna whereupon she could move into her new home in Stadtallendorf (Germany).
This Prosperous daughter excels firstly in her remarkeble American pedigree. Through her 5th dam Early-Autumn Golden Rae EX-93 (s. Goldwyn), this line ends by the famous, Canadian C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97 (s. Citation). With an amazing and unavoidable 10 times excellent in this motherline, will a future full of showlife lay ahead for Rihanna!
The mating Prosperous x Kerrigan looks like a 'Goldencross', because she's in the top of the German genomics too. Rihanna has an enormous 159 gRZG, a great 145 gRZM, super healthtrait (121 gRZGezund), longevity (131 gRZN) and a tremendous 121 gRZS!
HWH Holsteins & Genhotel can be very happy with this purchage. Rihanna has a great profile which can mark all her good assets within the Holstein population. This heifer will create some awesome opportunities for her new owners and within a view months she'll be ready to flush!
Early-Autumn Golden Rae EX-93 (s. Goldwyn) 5th dam of Rihanna