Highlight Sale Catalogue is online NOW!

The year 2023 will have an amazing start with the 32th Highlight Sale on Friday, January 6th 2023 at 7.30 PM online via FarmersBid.com.
The catalogue is NOW PUBLISHED! You can download the catalogue in Pdf here.
• Thursday, January 5th at 10.00AM
You can place your bids during the prior 'Pre-bidding', online via FarmersBid.com.
• Friday, January 6th from 4.00 PM
Open barn
• Friday, January 6th at 7.30 PM
Start sale and livestream via FarmersBid.com. The selling animals will sell in catalogue order.
Address auction:
Zentralhallen Hamm
Ökonomierat-Peitzmeier-Platz 2-4
59063 Hamm, Germany
You can order your sale catalogue by filling your adress info in the contact form and mention "Request for Highlight Sale catalogue".
Visit the GenHotel website and Rinder-Union West FACEBOOK for additional information.