High Styx daughter for Schreur Holsteins

Joyana, granddam to Joy 3 RDC & Joy 2 Red
New on the site to Schreur Holsteins are two interesting Styx daughters. We briefly introduce them to you.
Schreur Joy 3 RDC
Schreur Joy 3 RDC is a +152 GRZG Styx daughter. She has high numbers for health traits and also offers +1200 milk. Her dam is a Go Now daughter out of a Shamrock dam. This pedigree goes back at Benner Aeroline Jemima VG-86.
Schreur Joy 2 Red is a Red Apoll P sister to Joy 3. She offers +147 GRZG and +264 GNVI. Joy 2 Red has a huge production index and scores +145 RZM in Germany and +460 INET in the Netherlands.
Schreur Sunny 5 RDC
The pedigree of Schreur Sunny 5 RDC goes back at Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90, the Planet dam to Dymentholm S Sympatico. Sunny 5 scores +153 GRZG partly duo to +134 RZE, +138 RZN and +114 RZR.
A Salvatore half-brother to Sunny 5 RDC is sold to Genus/ABS. This bull is a full sister to K&L SV Sunny Red (+154 GRZG / +2663 GTPI) owned by K&L and Melkveebedrijf De Oosterhof.
Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90