High Board at Etaregge Holsteins

Etaregge Fid A Marilyn VG-85
Etaregge Board Marissa is a +159 GRZG / +296 GNVI Board daughter from the same family as Etaregge Brooklyn @ CRV. The dam to Marissa is a Balisto daughter out of an Numero Uno of Etaregge Fid A Marilyn VG-85. Next dam is Etaregge Burns A Margrit Red VG-86, a Mr Burns daughter of Etaregge Kian Asmira 4 RDC and a full sister to Brooklyn.
Board Marissa offers an all-round genomic profile with a high production (including components), very good type and positive health traits. Marissa will be flushed later this year.
Etaregge Burns A Margrit Red VG-86
Etaregge Kian Asmira 4 RC VG-86