Hedra Lize 578 in no time 10.000kgF&P!
At family Vernooij Hedra Lize 578 has produces over 10.000 kg fat and protein.She is the first daughter by Addison who has produced this much! She did it in only 7 lactations. Her lifetime production so far: 3449d 114.941kgM 4.87%F 3.84% 5602kgF 4412kgP
Lize 578 is a great cow, classified VG-89 and breeding really good. Her Classic daughter Hedra Lize 665 VG-88 is a succefull showcow too and popular donor cow. Lize 665 has several high daughters by Jerudo and Fidji.
Lize 665 he Fidji daughter named Hedra Lize 733 is for example the No. 1 NVI Fidji!
Click on the following link for more information on hedra Holsteins: www.klgenhotel.com/hedra

Hedra Lize 578