Hedra Delta Jessi 477 now VG-89!

Hedra Delta Jessi 477 VG-89
Hedra Delta Jessi 477 is classified with the maximum score of VG-89 (89 FR 89 DS 88 MS 89 FL) for a 2-yr old at Hedra Holsteins. The dam to this Snowfever daughter is a GP-84 Gerard daughter from a VG-86 Mascol of WEH Jessica VG-88 (Laudan). The bulls Westenrade AltaSpring and Roylane Socra Robust hail from this family as well.
Jessi 477, who is projected at 9.642 kg of milk with 3.42% protein in her first lactation, has 2 daughters; Jessi 630 (Regard) and Jessi 624 (Amigo). She also has a high Amigo son @ CRV.
WEH Jessica VG-88, great-granddam to Jessi 477