Halo VG-88 Global Cow of the Year 2019!

Cookiecutter Mom Halo VG-88, Global Cow of the Year!
Cookiecutter Mom Halo VG-88, the tremendous transmitting Man Oman daughter out of the Snow-N-Denises Dellia EX-95 family, is chosen as Global Cow of the Year 2019 by the jury and readers of Holstein International. Halo has several high scoring male descendants, including direct sons Cookiecutter Petron Halogen, Hank & Handler and grandson AOT Silver Helix, the number 1 TPI daughterproven sire worldwide. Also high young sires as als Cookiecutter Humblenkind, Hodehoe, Hang-Time and the number 2 gTPI Pine-Tree Heroic are (grand)grandsons of Halo. In addition the number 1 gTPI milking cow, Cookiecutter Delta Habitan VG-89 (EX-91 MS), is a granddaughter of Halo and dam of AOT Highjump (s. Positive).
Female offspring of Halo at GenHotel members herds :
Bacchus Holsteins : K&L OH Hayley VG-87 (Balisto x VG-87 Supersonic x Halo VG-88)
De Oosterhof & GenHotel : K&L OH Heaven (Balisto x VG-87 Supersonic x Halo VG-88)
Holbra Holsteins & GenHotel : Holbra K&L Magic Havelange (MagicTouch x Delta x VG-86 Supersire x Halo VG-88)
Koepon Genetics : CNN Hilite (Delta x VG-86 Supersire x Halo VG-88)
Dukefarm & GenHotel Holsteins : Dukefarm Delta Havelange (Delta x VG-86 Supersire x Halo VG-88)
Rovers Holsteins : RH Sounds Have (Sound System x Delta x VG-86 Supersire x Halo VG-88)
Cookiecutter Delta Habitan VG-89 (EX-91 MS), Delta x VG-88 Day x Halo VG-88
number 1 gTPI cow and dam of the high genomic young sire AOT Highjump
Cookiecutter Mogul Handy EX-94 (EX-97 MS), Mogul x Halo VG-88,
dam of Cookiecutter Henley & Chester and granddam of Hardrock
Cookiecutter Mogul Hanker EX-94 (EX-96 MS), Mogul x Halo VG-88,
granddam of the young top type sire Siemers Doc Hancock