Grandsons Fienchen 580 VG-89 promote to proven sire

Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC VG-89 (v. Stol Joc)
With the Poppe Fienchen family, many fantastic successes have already been achieved. This success story for Poppe Holsteins started with the peerless Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC VG-89 (s. Stol Joc) and with over 115,000 kgs of milk she is the highest lifetime production cow sofar at Poppe Holsteins. From Fienchen 580 RDC, the Poppe family has bred several high offspring from flushes with Danillo, Colt P and Detroit. The flush with Danillo is the most successful and has resulted in at least seven female offspring being classified with an average of VG-85.
Through daughters of Danillo the Fienchen family has delivered two sires, which grow fast in popularity within the Dutch Holstein breeding. Danillo daughter Poppe Fienchen 804 VG-88 provided the Black and White magnificent bull Poppe Ferdi via a mating with KNS Boss. Last year Ferdi became a successful proven sire and a progeny group of this bull was proudly exhibited by KI Kampen at the NRM 2019. During the April 2020 index run Ferdi, with more than 700 milking daughters in the Netherlands, still shows a faultless profile and correct comformation traits.
Progeny of Poppe Ferdi at the NRM 2019 (source: Ki Kampen)
Poppe Ferdi (Boss x Danillo)
Dam Ferdi: Poppe Fienchen 804 VG-88 (Danillo x Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC)
A year after Poppe Ferdi was born, Poppe Holsteins bred a Red Holstein grandson of Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC VG-89. This time it was the mating Red Rocks K&L Effort-Red x Poppe Fienchen 803 VG-86 (s. Danillo) that ensured success. It resulted in the bull Poppe Efrain-Red. This year Efrain was promoted to proven sire at KI Kampen. After the April index run, he shows a beautiful comformation profile with lots of milk, especially for red and white. With a NVI of +205 and a total score for comformation of 112, Efrain is one of the top red breeding bulls of the Netherlands and equals his successful sire Effort.
Poppe Efrain-Red (Effort x Danillo)
Dam Efrian: Poppe Fienchen 803 VG-86 (Danillo x Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC)