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GenHotel Selection Sale purchase developes as an awesome 2-yr-old!

This week, after about two years, we reconnected with GenHotel Selection Sale 2022 lot SIE 3STAR Frouke P Red, an early Visstein K&L Money P Red daughter out of the famous Dutch Mars Froukjes. She was sold as a young heifer calf to Topspeed Holsteins.

The polled SIE 3STAR Frouke P Red, bred by Siepermann & GenHotel, was offered and purchased by Topspeed Holsteins during the annual online GenHotel Selection Sale. Her dam is sired by Solitair P Red, Oelhorst Froukje 835 P Red, who was good for VG-86 in her second lactation and was promoted to bull dam by her Qnetics-owned son SIE 3STAR Markant PP Red. A little further down in her pedigree, we also find the dam of the proven sire Defago Red, Oelhorst AK Froukje VG-87 (by Destry RDC).

Frouke P Red was contracted by the German AI RUW for embryos, sired by Skat P RDC. She freshened with a Sega P RDC heifer calf in February and was a little later good for GP-84 (VG-87 Frame). The Froukje cow family is known for its late maturity, flawless conformation, and good protein production.

Oelhorst Froukje 926 VG-88 s. Nominator Red (own. Oelhorst Holsteins).
Both Froukje 926 and Frouke P Red trace back to Oelhorst Funny P Red VG-89 (Fun P x VG-86 Frageno x Froukje 40 RDC VG-87) 

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