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Former no. 2 gNVI Holstein heifer now excellent!

When Peak Remington daughter Willem's Hoeve Rita 2438, bred and owned by De Jong family, reached the age of four, the Dutch classifier was invited to the Willem's Hoeve farm to rescore her. This classification was a success, as she became the first excellent Remington daughter in the Netherlands. A new milestone after being the no. 2 B&W heifer in December 2020 based on gNVI.

Due to her all-round profile, Willem's Hoeve Rita 2438 [A2A2 & BB], the De Jong family aimed to breed as many offspring as possible, resulting in several heifer calves. The best mating was with Dg Space, which produced Willem's Hoeve Rita Koekie Jr with 2909 gTPI.

Rita 2438 completed her first lactation, calved for the second time last May, and produces 21% over herd average with a projected 305-day production of 13,872kgM with 4.64% fat and 3.59% protein. She was classified with EX-90 (EX-91 MS), significantly improving her 2-yr-old score of VG-88 with max. VG-89 Frame.

Willem's Hoeve Rita 2438 (Remington x Dazzle)

Granddam Willems-Hoeve Rita 1626 A VG-86 

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