First excellent Jacuzzi-Red, Styx Red and Yoda bred by Sommers

After the last classification, of which you could already read about last week, another visit from the Dutch classifiers to Zandenburg Holsteins soon followed. This time four dairy cows from Sommers' herd got the chance to move up to excellent. Remarkable was the fact that one of these ladies, the early, Jacuzzi-Red daughter Fabiola is only in her second lactation at exactly four years old!
The four cows, from second to sixth lactation, were presented at their best last Friday! The oldest dairy cow, a sixth lactation Stanton Pulsar from the Ebony cow family, calved October 2022 at 7.05 years and is projected at 12,482 kgsM with 4.27% fat and 3.33% protein. Three of her in total nine offspring are still present on Sommers' dairy farm, including a fifth calver VG-86 Kerrigan - dam of the recently with VG-87 classified Zandenburg Einstein Ebony! In Pulsar Ebony 1 her third lactation she was already good for VG-88 with EX-90 Feet & Legs. During this classification day she increased her score to EX-91 for Dairy strength and a total score of VG-89.
Zandenburg Styx Hispanja RDC is one of a total of three full Westcoast Styx Red sisters bred out of Zandenburg Filou Hispan RDC GP-84, which trace back to the German KNS Helsinki VG-89. Although two of the three are still present, her full sisters Styx Hispanja 2 and Styx Hispanja 1 scored respectively VG-87 and VG-89. Hispanja RDC herself calved in September 2022 and is in her fourth lactation. As a 2-yr-old milking heifer, the great producing Styx-Red was classified VG-87 and now, 3.5 years later, she improved her score to EX-90 with EX-91 Feet & Legs! This makes Zandenburg Styx Hispanja RDC the first excellent scored Styx-Red daughter in the Netherlands. The average 305-day production over her four lactations is 13,514 kgsM with 3.52% fat and 3.05% protein.
KNS Helsinki VG-89 (s. Jocko Besne)
The second EX-classified cow, and also the first excellent Cal-Roy-Al Yoda daughter in the Netherlands, is Zandenburg Yoda Hispanja. Although the Yoda daughter at Sommers has already calved in June of 2022, Hispanja managed to convince the classifiers with her outstanding frame and type, which where both awarded with EX-91. The before mentioned Styx Hispanja RDC shares the same pedigree as her granddam and is also the fourth dam of this excellent scored Yoda. For Hispanja to get in her third lactation, she was made pregnant with the 3097 gTPI scoring Conway son Aurora Letchworth. In 305 days, she is projected to have a grandiose production of 16,614 kgsM with 3.65% fat and 3.36% protein. Her full brother, Zandenburg Art, is owned by Genus/ABS.
Last, but certainly not least is the red Zandenburg Jacuzzi Fabiola. In 2021, Fabiola's first classification already put her in the spotlight, as she was the highest and first scored Dutch Jacuzzi-Red with an awesome VG-88. Now, almost two years later, and in her second lactation, the super producing daughter of Zandenburg Mogul Fabiola RDC EX-90 is also the first excellent Jacuzzi-Red! This while the Lee-Gin Bell Fawn VG-88 offspring will almost enter the drypen and is producing almost a year now. Pregnant is the EX-90 (EX-91 FR & EX-91 FL) scored Fabiola by the number 5 gNVI genomics young sire Delta Falgstone.