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Fam. Hermanussen R&W breeder of the year

Barendonk Holsteins (fam. Hermanussen) is named R&W breeder of the year in the Netherlands. It is already the second time that the Hermanussen family wins this title.

2 NRM Champions

The family Hermanussen was very successful the last years. At the last NRM they conquered 2 Champion titles with Barendonk Brasilera 12 and Barendonk Wilma 300. Brasilera 12 was also named Grand Champion of the show and is classified with the very high score of EX-93. Herd mate Wilma 30 is classified with the maximum score of VG-89 and was one of the 37 red/white 2-yr olds that averaged 85.8 points during herd classification.

Barendonk Brasilera 12 EX-93 and Barendonk Wilma 30 VG-89

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