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Excellent for Julia at Werler Holsteins

Recently, Werler Holsteins carried out another classification in which ten animals had the pleasure to get scored. The special thing about this inspection was the excellent score that was put away for one of the cows. This time the fourth calver Julia 406 Red got the honor to be classified with EX-90!

Julia 406 Red is a Perfect Aiko RDC daughter from the famous Werlers Julia cow family, supplier of many R&W sires. For example, Jullia 406 Red is the granddaughter of Julia 382 EX-92 (s. Stadel), whose grandsons Julandy and Jotani have been used intensively by (Dutch) dairy farmers. Also this Perfect Aiko RDC daughter is a full sister of the bull Werler Janko P Red, owned by the German organization RUW.

Werler Janko P Red, full brother of Julia 406 Red EX-90

Julia 406 Red has many qualities that the Julias are known for. This includes her huge will to produce milk with high components. For example, the average production of this Perfect Aiko RDC daughter over her four lactations is 4.62% fat and 3.54% protein! She also bears the visual characteristics; a strong and powerful dairy cow with great mammary and feet and legs, resulting in a grandiose classification score: 90 FR - 93 DS - 89 MS - 89 FL - TOT EX-90. 

There were also further re-classifications for some 3rd lactation cows, including Julia 406 Red EX-90 her Poppe Timeless maternal sister. This Julia was rewarded with a total score of VG-87. It is projected that she'll close her 305-day production with a whopping 12,017 kg M with 4.61% fat and 3.39% protein. 

The highest score given to the milking heifers is for Annie 30. A Drouner Rednex Red daughter with VG-86 and VG-88 for her beautiful frame and dairy strength. During this classification three maternal sisters from Jullia 388 P Red VG-88 scored a whopping average of VG-87.7. This proves once again the breeding power of this fantastic cow family!

Name Sire Dam Col Lac FR DS MS FL TOT
Julia 406 Red Pefrect Aiko Julia 388 P Red VG-88 R 4 90 93 89 89 90
Sientje 113 Bolero SIentje 105 VG-88 R 3 84 87 86 89 87
Julia 422 Red Timeless Julia 388 P Red VG-88 R 3 88 89 87 85 87
Annie 25 Julandy Red Annie 16 VG-86 R 3 88 90 84 86 86
Annie 30 Rednex Red Annie 18 VG-85 1 88 88 87 83 86
Julia 440 Efrain-Red Julia 388 P Red VG-88 R 1 88 85 86 86 86
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