'Excellent' classification day at Southland Holsteins

Southland Mont Massia 36, now VG-88 & EX-92 MS!
At Southland Holsteins, the Van Beek family in the Netherlands, the dream is to build-up a herd with amazing mammary systems, top dairy strength with openess of the ribs along with a high milk production. Every classification day the goal seems to get closer, because average mammary scores of VG-86 for the two-year olds are no longer an exception at Southland Holsteins. Furthermore the 130 milking cows achieve easily a 305-day production of 10.529 kgs milk with 4.47% F and 3.44% P.
The Southland prefix is known in the international Holstein world for many years now, partly due to the success of the Southland Dellias. It's no suprise that this family is responsible for the cow with the highest score of the classification day. The phenomenal score of EX-90 with EX-93 for her fabulous mammary system went to Southland Mvp Dellia 674 by Seagull-Bay MVP (proj. 305-days: 10.395 kgs milk with 5.73% F and 3.78% P).
Also Mvp Dellia 674 EX-90 her Woodcrest King Doc daughter stood in line for her first score. Southland Doc Dellia was awarded with a total score of VG-87 with VG-89 MS! Doc Dellia VG-87 is one of the first Dutch classified King Doc daughters and will be flushed soon!
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Southland Mvp Dellia 674 EX-90, EX-93 MS (by MVP) |
Southland Doc Dellia VG-87, VG-89 MS (by King Doc) |
From the red Canadian show cow Fradon Encount Jodie Red EX-94 Van Beek owns an Apples Absolute-Red granddaughter, which delivered a red carrier Mr Brash daughter: Southland Jodie 1 RDC. This Jolie 1 RDC is now in her second lactation and managed to score VG-89 with VG-89 MS and EX-90 for Frame and Dairy Strenght. Van Beek is proud to own a descendant from this cow family and is amazed by her strong looks, that's why this Mr Brash will be flushed soon! A Silverridge V Imax sister of Jolie 1 VG-89 scored well too, with a maximum score of VG-89 MS in her first lactation.
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Fradon Encount Jodie Red EX-94 (by Encounter) |
Southland Jodie 1 RDC VG-88, VG-88 MS (by Mr Brash) |
Southland Mont Massia 36, a second calver View-Home Monterey from the renown Apina Massia family, is rescored with VG-88 and (yes Van Beek did it again!) EX-92 for her beautiful mammary. Her 305-days production is projected at 12.791 kgs milk with 4.11% fat 3.53% protein. Mont Massia 36 VG-88 is one of Jeroen van Beek's favorites and therefor she will be flushed soon also.
From the Southland Viana line, originally a Red Holstein cow family from Germany, Southland Jacky Viana (by Cycle Doorman Jacoby) scored VG-88 / VG-89 DS in her first lactation. This makes Viana VG-88 the highest scoring 2-yr-old of the day!
Are you interested in embryos of these impressive cows from famous cow families? Get in touch with Southland Holsteins!
The average total score of the 2-yr-olds this round is 84.5 points with a tremendous score of VG-85.9 MS. You can find an overview of the results below:
Name | Sire | Dam | Col | Lact | FR | DS | MS | FL | TOT |
Mvp Dellia 674 | MVP | Dellia 9943 n.c. | B | 3 | 86 | 90 | 93 | 89 | 90 |
Jodie 1 RDC | Mr Brash | Fradon Jody GP-82 | B | 2 | 90 | 90 | 89 | 87 | 89 |
Py Sharon 209 | Payton | Sharon 32 n.c. | B | 3 | 88 | 88 | 91 | 83 | 88 |
Roosje 286 | Airgon | Roosje 284 | B | 3 | 87 | 87 | 88 | 88 | 88 |
Mont Massia 36 | Monterey | Sav Massia 25 VG-85 | B | 2 | 89 | 88 | 92 | 84 | 88 |
Diamondb Dellia | DiamondbackRDC | More Dellia 26 VG-88 | B | 2 | 87 | 89 | 89 | 84 | 88 |
Darling | Defiant | M.H. Darliya 1 | B | 2 | 88 | 88 | 89 | 86 | 88 |
Jacky Viana | Jacoby | Her. Viana 35 VG-87 | B | 1 | 88 | 89 | 88 | 88 | 88 |
Doc Dellia | King Doc | MVP Dellia 674 EX-90 | B | 1 | 86 | 87 | 89 | 86 | 87 |
Malki Glenda | Malki | Pretty Glenda n.c. | B | 1 | 88 | 87 | 88 | 86 | 87 |
Malki Dellia | Malki | Dellia 9443 VG-85 | B | 1 | 85 | 87 | 86 | 88 | 87 |
Imax Mente | Imax | Fradon Jody GP-82 | B | 1 | 86 | 87 | 89 | 83 | 86 |
Mogul Diena | Mogul | Dam. Diena VG-86 | B | 1 | 86 | 85 | 88 | 85 | 86 |
Brash Dellia 14 | Mr Brash | Dem Dellia 92 EX-92 | B | 1 | 83 | 84 | 87 | 86 | 86 |
Bago Diena | Bagolino | Monty Diena VG-87 | B | 1 | 86 | 85 | 86 | 86 | 86 |