Embryos from the Holbra Malon family

Holbra Malon 3 VG-88
The lovely VG-88 classified Balisto daughter Holbra Malon 3 has embryos by Stantons Adorable (Supershot x McCutchen) available. Malon 3 is projected at 11.785 kg of milk with 3.79% protein in her first lactation. Her dam is Man O Man daughter Holbra Malon VG-87 (Man O Man x VG-87 Mascol x Sunday ALH Prudence VG-88). She is still present in the herd of Holbra Holsteins and her lifetimetotal is 52.839 kg of milk with 5.19% fat and 4.04% protein.
Holbra Malon 3 still scores +155 GRZG / +266 GNVI. Adorable embryos of Malon 3 have a parent average of +155 RZG / +316 NVI.
Holbra Malon 3 VG-88
Holbra Malon VG-87, dam to Malon 3
Holbra Pam VG-87, granddam to Malon 3
Sunday ALH Prudence VG-88, great-granddam to Malon 3