Diepenhoek Rozelle family strikes again

Diepenhoek Rozelle 65 VG-87 (Mogul) 4th dam of Rozelle 188
With Diepenhoek Rozelle 188 Diepenhoek Holsteins shows the power and impact of this wonderful and well-known cow family. Rozelle 188 is a great example of what this family is capable of. The Diepenhoek Rozelle family delivers every time again offspring with great genomics in many systems. This is one of the reasons why several family members are used for breeding programs, like Diepenhoek Rozelle 65 VG-87, (s. Mogul), the dam of Diepenhoek Lockstar and Go-Farm Renoir.
A bright future as bull dam is also ahead for Rozelle 188. She has multiple high genomic profiles: 157 gRZG/ 2729 gTPI/ 339 gNVI/ 824 gPLI. Especially her 824 gPLI is impressive! With such a huge PLI she's one of the highest gPLI heifers in Europe. Diepenhoek Rozelle 188 is a young ABS Crimson daughter of Diepenhoek Rozelle 149, sired by Superhero.
Diepenhoek Lockstar (s. Kingboy) from de Rozelle family. Lockstar is owned by Genes Diffision