De Oosterhof Mon Tahaya fresh

Buiner MC Taya VG-85, dam to Tahaya
De Oosterhof Mon Tahaya is recently fresh at Melkveebedrijf De Oosterhof. This Montross daughter of Buiner MC Taya VG-85 (McCutchen x MS Welcome Colby Taya VG-88) looks fantastic and is producing really well.
Tahaya still scores +2680 GTPI and is the current #3 GTPI in Europe over 2 years of age. She has high genomics for milk (+2309 M), fertility (+2.1 DPR) and type (+2.62 PTAT). Due to her high genomic Tahaya will be flushed again.
MS Welcome Colby Taya VG-88, granddam to Tahaya