De Oosterhof and K&L invest in top GTPI heifer

Maybelline Tual: +2702 GTPI Rubicon daughter
Melkveebedrijf De Oosterhof (Willem Scholten) and K&L, have joined forces and invested in an absolute top GTPI heifer. Rubicon daughter Maybelline Tual is the current #23 GTPI in Europe with +2702 GTPI. Her pedigree goes through daughters by Cashcoin and Man O Man back at Aurore Tual, a VG-86 classified Shottle daughter with over 100.000 kg of milk lifetime production.
The dam to Maybelline Tual is a half-sister to Hermine Tual. This awesome Gold Chip daughter is classified with the maximum score of VG-89 as a 2-yr old and participated at the All-European Championship in Colmar earlier this year. She is now in her second lactation and placed 1st in her class at the Space 2016, yesterday.
Back to Maybelline Tual. She combines > 1500 milk and +2.5 PTAT on US basis. A rare combination. And she also adds very good components (+0.08% fat & +0.04% protein) and is positive for fertility (+1.8 DPR) as well. How unique is that!
Hermine Tual VG-89, 1st in her class at the Space 2016