Classification results Voorhof Allures

Green-Valley Allure-Red VG-87 (Spencer x VG-86 Canvas x VG-89 Jesther out of the Etazon Annecy / Plushanski Chief Faith family) owned by Voorhof Holsteins turns out to be a very good brood cow. At this moment she has 6 milking daughters (1x Fiction RC, 3x Elburn RC, 2x Colt P) and those daughters are classified 86 points on average.

Daughters Allure-Red
Fiction daughter Voorhof Allure*RC VG-85 is the oldest daughter of Allure-Red. She is now in her second lactation and projected at 12.000 kg of milk. Voorhof Allure 8 VG-85 and Voorhof Allure 6 P GP-84 (just fresh) are her two fresh, but good looking Colt P daughters.
Out of the combination with Elburn are 3 milking daughters. Voorhof Allure 5 looks very good and is classified with VG-88. Voorhof Allure 3 is classified VG-87 and Voorhof Allure 4 with VG-85. Allure 4 is the dam of high tested RC Fanatic daughters with +153 GRZG and +145 GRZG. A fourth Elburn daughter is sold to Germany through the K&L Selection Sale. She is the dam of a RC Galaxy son with +155 GRZG.

More information: Voorhof Holsteins

Green-Valley Allure-Red VG-87, her first daughters are classified with 86 points on average!

Green-Valley Almere RF VG-86, dam of Allure-Red

Green-Valley Anita VG-89, dam of Almere