Chief gr. daughter to Blexy EX-97!

lot 25 Holbra Blexy
One of the absolute highlights of this year's VOST Select Sale is lot 25 Holbra Blexy by Chief. Throughout her EX-90 scored dam, she hails from Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97, the Supreme Champion WDE of 2017!
This awesome, worldwide-known cow bred several Excellent daughters by Sid, Windbrook, Aftershock, Doorman, and of course the dam of lot 25, King Doc Bloom EX-90. One of Blexy's latest EX-scored daughters is Blexys Chief Bloody Mary with EX-91, who won her class at the 2023 World Dairy Expo. She proves that Chief is a strong fit for this lineage!
Holbra Blexy has the potential to become the 5th generation in line to achieve a EX score. Don't miss the chance to add her to your herd—she won’t disappoint!
Blexys Chief Bloody Mary EX-91
Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97