Big Anna Jacoba 115 naar NRM en 5 zonen bij KI

De well-known Jorryn daughter and bull dam Big Anna Jacoba 115 EX-90 from Big Holsteins is selected for the All Holland Dairy Show. Anna Jacoba 115 hails from a very deep cow family and she still scores +225 GNVI and is one of the highest "outcross cows in the Netherlands. She produced already 56.837 kg of milk with 4.56% fat and 3.90% protein. Her pedigree: Jorryn x VG-88 Abrian x VG-88 F-16 x VG-88 Top Brass.

Anna Jacoba 115 is used as a bull dam because of her pedigree, index, type and production. She has 5 sons in AI:

- Big Sentaro (s. Shogun) @ KI Samen
- Big Gerco (s. Snowman) @ CRV
- Big Malki (s. Maik) @ KI Samen
- Big Winnetoe (s. Windbrook) @ KI Kampen
- Big Position (s. Twist) @ KI Kampen

More information: Big Holsteins

Big Anna Jacoba 115 EX-90