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Best classification day at Peelsehoeve Holsteins of all time

Sixteen animals received an average score of VG-85.3 during the last classification day. The Nooijen family, Peelshoeve Holsteins, hasn't achieved an average of this level before. A prominent cow family that contributed to this high average are the Rietjes, from the Remarlinda family. The Rietjes are characterized by their high milk yield, top conformation and good fertility.

Seven Rietjes were classified with a fanastic average of VG-85.9. A third calver, De-Su Penley daughter Delta Rietje 3 had an amazing day with VG-88 and EX-90 for FR & DS!  Her dam Delta Rietje VG-86 (s. Epic) is the maternal sister of sire Delta Bookem Danno. Rietje is sired by Peak Hotline and classified VG-87. Her dam is Rietje 3 VG-88.

De-Su Penley daughter Delta Rietje 3 VG-88 

Rietje VG-87 (s. Hotline)​

One of the highest classified heifers is the young Dellia 25 (s. Hotline). She calved at 1.10 years old and already produces 48 kg of milk per day. High productions, great show type and flawless health traits is something that graces the Southland Dellia family. Dellia 25 has been given these features which have resulted in a Total Score of VG-87 with a maximum score of VG-89 DairyStrength.

The Nooijen family also has descendants of the Wiza family, a line that was used for breeding sires like G-Force and Galore. One of this family members is Delta Gabi 3, a Het Meer Livington RDC daughter and scored VG-85. Gabi 3 produces an average of more than 5.00% F and almost 3.90% P!

Delta Gabi 3 VG-85 (s. Livington RDC)

A total of 14 milking heifers were classified with an average score of VG-85.1. Ten females at Peelsehoeve Holsteins received VG-85 or more. Below an overview with the highest scores:

Delta Rietje 3 Penley Delta Rietje VG-86 Z 3 90 90 88 87 88
Rietje Hotline Delta Rietje 3 VG-88 Z 1 87 88 88 86 87
Delta Rietje 12 Adorable Delta Rietje 3 VG-88 Z 1 87 86 88 85 87
Delta Mai 1 Danno Delta Mai VG-86 Z 1 83 87 89 86 87
Dellia 25 Hotline Van de Peelsehoeve Dellia 12 GP-84 Z 1 87 89 87 86 87
Delta Mouse Finder Delta Menka VG-85 Z 1 87 82 86 86 86
Delta Rietje 11 Hotline Delta Rietje 5 VG-86 Z 1 87 87 85 86 86
Menta 1 Jupiler Menta 300 GP-82 Z 1 87 88 84 88 86
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