Beeze Judy 9 RDC: Red Carrier Bookem to Dertour-Red!

At Beeze Holsteins Beeze Judy 9 RDC calved 6 weeks ago. She produces already 41 kgM and looks very good in type! Beeze Judy 9 RDC is one of the highest red carrier milking heifers worldwide on TPI (+2252) and RZG (+142)! She did not flush well as a heifer, but turns out to be a great genomic transmitter! Beeze Judy 9 RDC is a sister to the No. 1 proven red bull in Germany Dertour-Red. She has a Polled (B&W) Kanu son in AI herself and has some real high daughters, for example a RED and Polled Kanu at HWH Holsteins with gRZG 155!
Beeze Judy 9 is already contracted again and will be flushed later this lactation. The (Morningview Converse) Judy family will get more and more influence in the herd of Beeze Holsteins!
Beeze Judy 9 RDC (als pink)
Morningview RUW Berta