Amazing classification scores for Hurkmans

Dam of this years HighlightSale heifer HET SC Charlene is classified with VG-86 & VG-88 MS!
For two milking heifers from Hurkmans ET, the moment of classification arrived. Both Hurkmans heifers come from cow families that have already attracted a lot of attention within the Holstein breeding. They are a Mirabel Sound System daughter, named HET Sound Chenile and HET Agro Rozelle sired by Mr Rubi-Agronaut.
HET Sound Chenile (s. Sound System) is backed by a fantastic American cow, namely Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93, from which also the world famous Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87 descends. Famous bulls such as Larcrest Commander and Fanatic are family members too. This Sound System daughter of Diepenhoek Chanel VG-87 is purchased as an embryo by Hurkmans. This turned out to be a wonderful investment as Chenile's daughters also arouse international interest. Her Soundcloud daughter HET SC Charlene (+159 GRZG / +2838 GTPI) is sold last January for a great amount of € 29.000 at the RUW HighlightSale. Charlene and her half-sisters are ready for OPU (Ovum Pick Up) to produce embryos through IVF. Chenile's production is predicted at 9.201 kgs of milk with 4.20% fat and 3.54% protein in just 305 days! During the classification day she received a well-deserved VG-86 with a beautiful VG-88 for her mammary.
Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87, granddam of HET Sound Chenile VG-86
Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93, matriarch
Hurkmans has a great first calver Mr Rubi-Agronaut daughter from the Diepenhoek Rozelle family: Agro Rozelle. Rozelle was rewarded with a fantastic VG-88 total score and a maximum score of VG-89 for her mammary and her feet & legs! This cow family has a very good reputation when it comes to delivering bulls to the AI. Rozelle VG-88 her full sister, HET Agro Gazelle, has two De-Su Kenobi sons named HET Ken Gray and Wilder Kitsch at Genus/ABS Global. A Progenesis Harmony half-brother of Rozelle VG-88 and Gazelle is also used by Genus/ABS Global.
Diepenhoek Rozelle 65 VG-87, granddam of HET Agro Rozelle VG-88
If HET Agro Rozelle VG-88 appeals to you, please contact Hurkmans ET. She is ready to be flushed and requests are welcome! Who knows, you might get the next bull dam from the Rozelles in your barn!