A new number 1 at De Oosterhof

Bacon-Hill Salvatore Kay RDC GP-82 dam of the no.1 gTPI Crown-Red daughter
At dairy farm De Oosterhof (owned by Willem Scholten) are leading well-considered choices and matings with top NVI, TPI and RZG sires to tremendous success. In this way the current number 1 gTPI R&W sire - 3STAR OH Ranger Red (in cooperation with Koepon) and K&L OH Mabel, dam of 6 sons in AI are co-owned by Scholten!
Scholten don't miss out on opportunities when they occur. The latest opportunity presented itself at the SonderKollektion 2021 where the current no. 1 gTPI Crown-Red globaly Bacon-Hill Crown Kay Red was offered to sell. Besides her sky high 2734 gTPI Kay Red also tests 154 gRZG, 4318 gPFT, 206 gISU and 1650 gISET! With this purchase Scholten owns the top R&W world-wide and adds a very valuable heifer to his breeding program!
Kay Red descends from the American brood cow Art-Acres Kay 721-ET EX-90, also family of Ms C-Haven Oman Kool VG-88 which is the former #1 gTPI Man-O-Man daughter in the US.
Art-Acres Kay721-ET EX-90 brood cow