25th and 26th Excellent at Big Holsteins!

Big Super Star 69 Red EX-91 (s. Tequila)
In just one fell swoop, the Knoef family (Big Holsteins) recently got two more excellent cows. And with this very successful classification the great milestone of 25 Excellent cows from Knoef's herd has been reached!
The first excellent scores at Big Holsteins were received 24 years ago, in 1998. This concerned two cows, namely a daughter of Carousel Amos - Martha 2 EX-90 and Pinkpop Star 5 (by Feikje's Pinkpop), also classified EX-90.
Star 5 EX-90, which was one of the first excellent cows at Knoef, also played a major role in the path of Big Holsteins' 25th excellent cow! In fact, the excellent Pinkpop is a daughter of Big Etazon Blackstar VG-89, a To-Mar Blackstar from the American Danaco Bell Sundae EX-90 (s. Bell). This Sundae is the foundation cow of the well-known and strong breeding Big Super Star family, a family which became a significant part of this herd over the years. The 25th excellent cow is therefore multiple bull dam Big Super Star 69 Red EX-91 (by Huijben Red Tequila) - maternal sister of Big Redbone and dam of Big Festino and Big Surprise RF). The eighth lactation Tequila has now even realized a lifetime production of no less than 131,660 kgs of milk! Her dam Big Super Star 30 RDC VG-88 is the maternal sister of the renown proven sire Big Winner.
Big Pinkpop Star 5 EX-90 (s. Pinkpop)
Big Surprise RF & Big Super Star 69 Red EX-91 (12-2020)
In addition to Big Super Star 69 Red EX-91, the 5th lactation Big Rinie 160 was also rewarded with an excellent score. The Danillo daughter moved to EX-90 (EX-92 FL).