Genomics News

+2515 GTPI Kingboy for Veneriete Holsteins

Veneriete Kingboy Elsa 4 is a very high Kingboy from Snowman’s family. The dam to Elsa 4 is Vekis Veneriete Elsa Queen, one of the highest Massey daughters in Europe and a daughter of Broeks Eltes VG-86 (Socrates). Through Bolton daughter Broeks Bolton Else VG-86 and Broeks Elsie 2 VG-86 (O Man) this pedigree goes back at Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90, the dam to Snowman.
Elsa 4 scores a very high +2515 GTPI in the US. She has an index with a lot of kg fat and protein, good health traits and high type (+2.73 PTAT)

Broeks Eltes
Broeks Eltes VG-86

Broeks Bolton Else
Broeks Bolton Else VG-86

Broeks Elsie 2
Broeks Elsie 2 VG-86

Genomics News