19th “100.000 kgM cow” for Van het Zomerbloemhof

Vitesse V/H Zomerbloemhof VG-86
Ann V/H Zomerbloemhof is the 19th cow at Van het Zomerbloemhof with a production over 100.000 kg of milk. The VG-86 classified Talent daughter calves every year and she is now in her 9th lactation and just over 10 years of age. Ann has a 2nd lactation VG-87 classified AltaCharity daughter and her Duplex daughter scored VG-87 as well. This Duplex, Carla, is in her 6th lactation and she produced 82.167 kg of milk already.
3rd 10-tonner
Vitesse V/H Zomerbloemhof is the 3rd cow that produces over 10.000 kg fat and protein at Van het Zomerlboemhof. The VG-86 classified Celsius daughter achieved this in her 10th lactation. Vitesse produced over 130.000 kg of milk and she has a Titan (Tobis Durham Titan) daughter with a lifetime total of 108.379 kg of milk with 4.79% fat and 3.52% protein.
Zoe V/H Zomerbloemhof, Titan daughter of Vitesse