100.000 kg of milk for Holbra Petra

Holbra Petra EX-90
The well-known Holbra Petra (Morty x Sunday ALH Prudence VG-88) has recently crossed the magic figure of 100.000 kg of milk. The EX-90 classified Morty daughter, who turned 12 years old yesterday, achieved this milestone in her 6th lactation. Petra is a great broodcow for Holbra Holsteins. She bred dozens very nice daughters including VG-87 daughters of O Man and Jenny Lou and VG-86 daughters of Jenny Lou, Powerhouse and Windbrook in the Holbra herd.
The most influence full descendent of Petra is off course her O Man daughter Holbra O Man Paula VG-87. Paula was one of the most popular O Man daughters and bulldams in Europe a few years ago and did a great job in the Holbra herd. Her best daughter is Holbra Bolton Paulona VG-85 who is the dam of Holbra Emra VG-86, Holbra Chica VG-88 and Holbra Sana VG-87. Last mentioned is one of the highest genomic tested and producing Snowman daughters in the Netherlands and the dam to the current #1 GPFT bull in Italy: Holbra Inseme Rodanas (Doorman).
Meanwhile the next generation of this fantastic family is ready to make money. Holbra Susana, a Supersire of Sana, is fresh, looks good and is producing well. She is a full sister to Holbra Sansire, another high GPFT bull in Italy from this great family.
Holbra Petra EX-90 (Morty x Sunday ALH Prudence)
Holbra Paula VG-87 (O Man x Petra)
Holbra Paulona VG-85 (Bolton x Paula)
Holbra Sana VG-87 (Snowman x Paulona)