100.000 kg milk cows at Poppe Holsteins

Recently three cows at Poppe Holsteins managed to produce over 100.000 kg of milk. Below the pictures of these tremendous cows. In total there are now 6 cows in de herd (alive and kicking!) with a lifetime production over 100.000kg milk!
Poppe Annabel 468
First of all Poppe Annabel 468, a Lucky Mike daughter from a Manat dam. Her lifetimetotal is: 100.914 kg milk in 2795 days (with 4.61%F and 3.73%P) In her current 5th (!!) lactation she already produced 27.149 kg milk in 656 days (4.51%F and 3.70%P).
Annabel 468 is classified VG-87 at 9.09 and has a daughter by Kirby at Poppe Holsteins. This Annabel 634 is milking great as well. She produced almost 50.000 kg milk in 3 lactations already.
Poppe Annabel 468
Poppe Moniek 457
Poppe Moniek 457 is a VG-87 classfied Superior daughter. In 7 lactations she produced 100.181 kg milk with 4.56%F and 3.53%P. Her VG-85 Jabot dam has a lifetime production of 89.985 kg of milk with 4.91% fat and 3.78% protein and her granddam has a lifetime production of almost 70.000 kg of milk.
Poppe Moniek 457
Roosje 258
Reno daughter Roosje 258 has produced 106.366 kg melk with 4.05%F and 3.48%P in 6 lactations. Her dam is Stadel daughter from a Clara’s Orkan x Robert 5. Roos 258 is classified GP-84 as a 2-yr old and in her first lactation she already produced 11.869 kg of milk with 3.42% protein in 305 days! In her current lactation she is projected at 15.695 kg of milk!
Roos 258
From left to right: Moniek 457, Roos 258 & Annabel 468
From left to right: Annabel 468, Moniek 457 & Roos 258