
K&L Poppe Great, the key to three successful VOST Select Sale generations!

In 2019, K&L Poppe Great, a well-genomic tested Soundcloud daughter, was acquired by a new owner after being sold by Poppe Holsteins & GenHotel at the VOST Select Sale 7. It's amazing to see how, over the past five years, this once-promising heifer has blossomed into a truly remarkable and outstanding performer in Ostfriesland, Germany!...


Interested in topgenetics against a relatively low investment? The 3STAR EmbryoProgram is what you are looking for! Through this program breeders will get 50% ownership of topgenetics!

Visstein K&L SV Aderina Red VG-89

Great outcome of the 3STAR EmbryoProgram!
More info about Aderina Red CLICK HERE

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