
3STAR HWH Britt P Red is breaking all records!!

Meet 3STAR HWH Britt P Red, an exceptional heifer calf sired by Koepon Simply Red. She boasts impressive scores of 168 gRZG-SiSt and 547 gNVI. Bred and owned by HWH Holsteins & GenHotel, Britt P Red is currently recognized as the top polled red-and-white heifer in the world, pushing the boundaries of Holstein breeding!...

Selection Sale

The GenHotel Selection Sale is up and running. Click below at "MORE INFO" to visit the auction site.

ZB Lucia Red

Lot 5: ZB Lucia Red

● Beautiful red Hulu RDC heifer, awesome looking and with great show potential! Her full sister is sold for € 6300 at the OHG Top Genetik Auktion 2025. ● Dam Luanda P Red was recently class winner during the Schau der Besten and scores +3.35 PTAT. ● Super type family, which also produced the champion cows RockyMountain Talent Licorice EX-95, Idee Lustre EX-95 and Galwaybay Dundee Lavish EX-95!

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