
3STAR HWH Britt P Red is breaking all records!!

Meet 3STAR HWH Britt P Red, an exceptional heifer calf sired by Koepon Simply Red. She boasts impressive scores of 168 gRZG-SiSt and 547 gNVI. Bred and owned by HWH Holsteins & GenHotel, Britt P Red is currently recognized as the top polled red-and-white heifer in the world, pushing the boundaries of Holstein breeding!...

Selection Sale

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3STAR Riva 6877 Red

Lot 11: 3STAR Riva 6877 Red

● Interesting, red Hulu RDC with international posibilities, from the Bomaz family! ● 2905 GTPI, +2.55 PTAT & +2.28 UDC, 364 gNVI and a high score for udder health. ● Hulu RDC x Ranger-Red x Riveting: Modern pedigree with great potential!

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