Melkveebedrijf De Oosterhof - Willem Scholten


Genomic index DEU: +140 GRZG (2024-08)

Production 909 M 0.41%F 0.10%P 82 F 42 P 140 RZM
Health 111 RZN 111 RZS 109 RZR 116 RZGes 1884 RZ€
Type 106 KÖR 115 MTY 96 EUT 105 FUN 105 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2863 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1440 M 0.21%F 0.08%P 112 F 66 P 928 NM
Health +3.3 PL 2.81 SCS -2.6 DPR
Type 0.16 UDC -0.13 F&L 0.76 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +288 GNVI (2022-04; B&W)

Production 1326 M 0.39%F 0.14%P 96 F 60 P 465 INET
Health 502 LVD 103 UGH 105 CGT 104 VRU
Type 105 FR 104 RB 99 UI 100 BE 102 TOT

17 Progeny

3STAR OH Leader
s. Stardancer
3STAR OH Leader
s. Stardancer
3STAR OH Leica
s. Altawheelhouse
+333 GNVI  +3070 GTPI  +148 GRZG
3STAR OH Leisa
s. Altawheelhouse
+263 GNVI  +2907 GTPI 
s. Logistics
+247 GNVI 
3STAR OH Leila
s. Parfect
+234 GNVI  +3059 GTPI  +141 GRZG
s. Hanans
+231 GNVI 
s. Logistics
+231 GNVI 
De Oosterhof Have It 2
s. Siemers Have It All
+2846 GTPI 
Have It
s. Siemers Have It All
+2750 GTPI 
3STAR OH Leila
s. Stardancer
+2845 GTPI 
s. Altawheelhouse
+205 GNVI  +2901 GTPI 
3STAR OH Lizzy
s. Altawheelhouse
+201 GNVI  +2867 GTPI 
3STAR OH Leina
s. Parfect
+199 GNVI  +3087 GTPI  +140 GRZG
De Oosterhof Leida Rc Lea RDC
s. Redlea RDC
+2933 GTPI 
Leida 4
s. Hanans
+193 GNVI  +2920 GTPI  +140 GRZG
De Oosterhof Have It 3
s. Siemers Have It All
+2806 GTPI 


De Oosterhof DG Leida VG-85

2.09 305d 9.580kgM 4.76%F 456kgF 3.56%P 341kgP
4.04 305d 12.069kgM 4.76%F 575kgF 3.63%P 438kgP

87 FR  88 DS  81 MS  87 FL  VG-85


DG OH Daniella VG-85

2.03 305d 9.729kgM 4.79%F 466kgF 3.67%P 357kgP
4.01 305d 13.308kgM 4.90%F 652kgF 3.85%P 513kgP
5.06 305d 14.040kgM 5.14%F 722kgF 3.65%P 513kgP

Full sister to Topstone, No. 1 proven bull Germany August 22!


DG OH Donna RDC VG-89

2.03 305d 8.861kgM 4.42%F 391kgF 3.39%P 301kgP
3.03 305d 6.473kgM 5.00%F 323kgF 4.32%P 279kgP
4.06 305d 10.035kgM 4.53%F 454kgF 3.43%P 344kgP



Telgter Aikman Doreen RDC GP-83

2.04 305d 7.904kgM 4.57%F 361kgF 3.49%P 276kgP

Next generations

  • Holbra Manoa VG-85 (s. Man-O-Man)
  • Holbra Pam VG-87 (s. Mascol)
    Lifetime: 2062d 73.468kgM 4.46%F 3274kgF 3.57%P 2620kgP
  • Sunday ALH Prudence VG-88 (s. Durham)
  • Mayerlane-DK Hiawatha EX-90 (s. Rudolph)
  • Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 (s. Chief Mark)
    Next dam EX-91 Sexation x EX-93 Elevation x EX-94 Highmark x EX-91 Bootmaker Lee x EX-90 Mingo x VG-85 Star Man x VG-86 Rag Apple 
  • Ogden Hanover Sex Prudence EX-91 (s. Sexation)

Aikman RDC