Van het Zomerbloemhof - Fam. Lahousse-Zomerbloemhof LV


Genomic index DEU: +101 GRZG (2024-08)

Production -640 M 0.41%F 0.16%P 14 F -6 P 100 RZM
Health 95 RZN 101 RZS 96 RZR 106 RZGes -27 RZ€
Type 107 KÖR 106 MTY 101 EUT 104 FUN 107 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2205 GTPI (2024-12)

Production -408 M 0.16%F 0.10%P 25 F 13 P 184 NM
Health +1.0 PL 2.92 SCS -1.4 DPR
Type 1.38 UDC 0.65 F&L 1.01 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +224 GNVI (2016-08; B&W)

Production 187 M 0.53%F 0.19%P 54 F 23 P 210 INET
Health 467 LVD 105 UGH 107 CGT 100 VRU
Type 103 FR 104 RB 109 UI 106 BE 109 TOT

4 Progeny

Leontien V/H Zomerbloemhof Red
s. AltaCasual P RF
+245 GNVI  +2347 GTPI 
s. Broekhuizen Pepijn
+191 GNVI 
s. Outlast
+168 GNVI 
s. Simplicity-P


Jappelien V/h Zomerbloemhof RDC VG-86

1.11 305d 10.810kgM 4.86%F 525kgF 3.57%P 386kgP
3.00 305d 11.771kgM 4.79%F 563kgF 3.74%P 441kgP
4.00 305d 11.500kgM 4.97%F 571kgF 3.83%P 441kgP

85 FR  87 DS  84 MS  88 FL  VG-86

Aikman RDC

MS Apple Brandy RDC EX-90

2.01 305d 8.292kgM 5.0%F 415kgF 4.0%P 332kgP
3.01 365d 11.317kgM 5.0%F 566kgF 4.0%P 453kgP


KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96

Lifetime: 2.898d 109.153kgM 4.7%F 5.130kgF 3.7%P 4.039kgP

Awesome brood- and showcow! Premium Breeder WDE 2017&2019 Show Winnings GRAND WORLD DAIRY EXPO R&W 2011 RES. GRAND ROYAL R&W 2009 1ST MATURE COW WORLD DAIRY EXPO R&W 2011 1ST 5-YR ROYAL R&W 2009 1ST JR.2-YR WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2006


Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude RDC EX-95

2.00 365d 13.077kgM 3.8%F 498kgF 3.7%P 484kgP
4.03 365d 13.803kgM 4.2%F 575kgF 3.3%P 459kgP
7.00 365d 18.003kgM 4.7%F 839kgF 3.5%P 628kgP

Dam to Advent-Red, Jotan-Red & Acme RC

Next generations

  • Clover-Mist Alisha RDC EX-93 (s. Prelude)
  • Clover-Mist Augy Star RDC EX-94 (s. Jubilant RF)
  • D-R-A August EX-96 (s. Marquis King)
  • D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 (s. Brutus)
  • D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 (s. Lucifer Lad)
