Van het Zomerbloemhof - Fam. Lahousse-Zomerbloemhof LV


Genomic index USA: +2949 GTPI (2025-02)

Production 1709 M 0.06%F 0.05%P 83 F 67 P 902 NM
Health +4.1 PL 2.95 SCS +0.5 DPR
Type 1.44 UDC 0.63 F&L 1.31 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +293 GNVI (2024-12; B&W)

Production 1425 M 0.20%F 0.01%P 81 F 51 P 462 INET
Health 474 LVD 98 UGH 100 CGT 107 VRU
Type 94 FR 100 RB 107 UI 102 BE 103 TOT


Ubberry v/h zomerbloemhof



1.11 305d 11.850kgM 4.30%F 510kgF 3.46%P 410kgP


Nubba V/H Zomerbloemhof VG-87

2.00 305d 11.366kgM 4.34%F 493kgF 3.80%P 431kgP
2.11 305d 11.706kgM 4.44%F 520kgF 4.07%P 476kgP
3.11 305d 15.764kgM 4.41%F 695kgF 3.67%P 578kgP

Big Bubba

Kaylee V/H Zomerbloemhof EX-90

2.01 305d 12.111kgM 4.84%F 586kgF 3.50%P 423kgP
3.00 305d 13.187kgM 4.92%F 649kgF 3.70%P 488kgP
3.11 305d 14.132kgM 4.37%F 617kgF 3.48%P 492kgP

High Rubicon from the Roxy family

Next generations

  • TJR Blondin Uno Ducey (s. Numero Uno)
  • Co-Vista Atwood Desire EX-90 (s. Atwood)
    Dam of Mr Hovden Delta and EDG Deman
  • Scientific Deluxe Rae EX-91 (s. Shottle)
  • Scientific Debutante Rae EX-92 (s. Durham)
    Dam of Scientific Destry RDC
  • Scientific Jubilant Rae EX-90 (s. Jubilant RF)
  • Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96 (s. Tony)
