Van het Zomerbloemhof - Fam. Lahousse-Zomerbloemhof LV


Genomic index USA: +2611 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1621 M -0.04%F -0.01%P 52 F 49 P 528 NM
Health +1.5 PL 2.97 SCS -2.5 DPR
Type 1.93 UDC 0.96 F&L 2.32 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +178 GNVI (2023-12; B&W)

Production 2018 M -0.24%F -0.20%P 60 F 48 P 331 INET
Health 233 LVD 102 UGH 103 CGT 101 VRU
Type 91 FR 97 RB 110 UI 98 BE 101 TOT

1 Progeny

s. Zoar
+2741 GTPI 


Sammy-Jo V/H Zomerbloemhof GP-83

83 FR  83 DS  84 MS  83 FL  GP-83

Siemers Have It All

Ohio V/H Zomerbloemhof VG-86

1.10 305d 12.040kgM 3.97%F 478kgF 3.31%P 398kgP
2.10 305d 14.027kgM 3.85%F 540kgF 3.40%P 476kgP
3.11 305d 16.680kgM 3.95%F 658kgF 3.27%P 546kgP



1.09 305d 11.293kgM 3.74%F 422kgF 3.28%P 371kgP
2.10 305d 14.339kgM 3.62%F 518kgF 3.21%P 461kgP
3.10 305d 15.861kgM 3.75%F 595kgF 3.23%P 513kgP


Tir-An Boss Hortensia VG-86

LA1 305d 15.626kgM 3.81%F 595kgF 3.34%P 522kgP

Very high Boss from Anderstrup Snow Heaven

Next generations

  • Anderstrup Snowman Heaven VG-87 (s. Snowman)
    This Snowman has several high genomic tested daughters
  • Anderstrup Shottle Heidi VG-89 (s. Shottle)
  • Cogent B Heaven VG-87 (s. Boliver)
  • Darlawn Marshell Heaven-ET VG-86 (s. BW Marshall)
  • Darlawn Mtoto Honibea VG-85 (s. Mtoto)
  • Darlawn Rudolph Hera VG-86 (s. Rudolph)
