WKF Holsteins - Henk Westerveld & Gerco Fonkert


Genomic index DEU: +138 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 807 M 0.39%F 0.05%P 76 F 33 P 134 RZM
Health 117 RZN 99 RZS 116 RZR 113 RZGes 1872 RZ€
Type 98 KÖR 115 MTY 102 EUT 100 FUN 105 RZE

Genomic index USA: +3122 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1528 M 0.19%F 0.07%P 110 F 67 P 1053 NM
Health +5.9 PL 2.91 SCS +0.3 DPR
Type 1.50 UDC 0.83 F&L 1.60 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +355 GNVI (2024-12; B&W)

Production 1929 M 0.13%F -0.14%P 96 F 52 P 512 INET
Health 1177 LVD 103 UGH 103 CGT 107 VRU
Type 93 FR 102 RB 106 UI 100 BE 101 TOT


Wkf Sheepster Ellis


WKF Conway Emma

2.00 305d 9.534kgM 4.35%F 415kgF 3.22%P 307kgP



WKF Challenger Estelle


Riethil Estelle GP-82

2.01 305d 7.335kgM 4.87%F 357kgF 3.83%P 281kgP
3.07 305d 9.102kgM 4.58%F 417kgF 3.83%P 349kgP
4.07 305d 8.827kgM 4.67%F 412kgF 3.66%P 323kgP

Next generations

  • Riethil Evita VG-85 (s. Jedi)
    Top GTPI from the Royal Idevra Eva family
  • Jk Eder Eva 1 VG-88 (s. President)
  • HS Mogul Eva GP-84 (s. Mogul)
  • Royal Idevra Eva VG-86 (s. Active)
  • Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90 (s. Titanic)
  • Royal Idevra Egna VG-85 (s. Addison)
