Wilder Holsteins - Norbert Holtkamp


Genomic index DEU: +138 GRZG (2024-09)

Production 260 M 0.60%F 0.28%P 73 F 38 P 136 RZM
Health 114 RZN 112 RZS 110 RZR 115 RZGes 1794 RZ€
Type 99 KÖR 111 MTY 97 EUT 107 FUN 104 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2906 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1051 M 0.18%F 0.12%P 87 F 64 P 921 NM
Health +4.0 PL 2.85 SCS -0.8 DPR
Type 1.16 UDC 0.14 F&L 1.02 PTAT


Wilder Fallon


SHA Fisi VG-86

LA1 305d 10.643kgM 4.43%F 471kgF 3.40%P 362kgP

- Famous Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92 family


SHA Gambia-Fossa VG-87

LA2/1 305d 11.858kgM 3.81%F 452kgF 3.47%P 411kgP


Claynook Flounder Silver VG-85

Next generations

  • View-Home Mcc Found VG-88 (s. McCutchen)
  • Pine-Tree 2149Robst 4846 VG-87 (s. Robust)
    Dam of Monterey, Powerball, Missouri en Cashflow
  • Pine-Tree Zenith Sheen VG-87 (s. Zenith)
  • Pine-Tree Martha Sheen VG-86 (s. Shottle)
    Dam to one of the highest Planet daughters on earth, Ammon-Peachey Shauna, dam to countless proven sires.
  • Pine-Tree Missy Martha VG-86 (s. O Man)
  • Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92 (s. Rudolph)
    Phenomenal brood cow with more than 20 sons and more than 100 grandsons in AI More than 10 excellent and over 30 VG daughters Most prominent breeding icon in the American top-100 TPI sire list of 4-2023 Foundation behind numerous of bulls, such as Seagull Bay Supersire, Silver, Sargeant, Headliner, Platinum, Monterey, Balisto, Powerball & Missouri
